How To Fix Missing Textures In Skyrim
The problem is tracking down the corrupted/missing/affected textures. In the screenshot, the texture appears on and in the imperial fort towers in Helgen for example. So my first thought was "hey I have a Spice of Life - Forts and aMidianBorn Imperial Forts, the texture issue should be there let's take a look."
how to fix missing textures in skyrim
My question for this post is, how do I track down these problem textures so that I can replace them with their originals or optionally a properly downsized texture. Any input is welcome, but mostly I want to know if there is a solid methodology I should use to track down the problem textures.
However, I am more interested in a way to track down the specific texture(s) that was causing the issue and make more of a surgical fix than a blanketed fix as I am looking to downsize as many textures as possible.
I did end up tracking down the problem file, it was an alpha texture, (located in Spice Of Life - Forts\textures\SpiceOfLife\Forts\Steveowashere), which is a 64x64 texture that DDSopt had converted to a 1x1 texture and Skyrim apparently was not okay with that.
The missing texture is a placeholder texture used by Minecraft for handling cases where a suitable texture cannot be found. Outside of its use in missing models, this is almost always due to a texture being referenced which simply does not exist under that name.
By default, the missing model is a full 16x16 cube which uses the missing texture on all six faces. These faces are culled accordingly where possible. Only two faces will have the same color at each vertex, rather than the three one may expect; Mojang have decided to not fix this.[34]
Contrary to popular belief, no central "missing texture block" has ever existed in the game; all cases of blocks which use this model are due to another block simply having no assigned texture or model.
By definition, any block which does not use a model does not use the cubic missing model. If a model is still not defined for the block, however, this will likely still reflect in the block's particles.
The vast majority of entity models are also completely hardcoded. There are two notable exceptions in the item frame and glow item frame, which do in fact have customizable models. Therefore, the item frame and glow item frame are the only two entities which are capable of using the missing model; all other entities may lose their texture, but retain the same model shape.
Horses are a particularly interesting example of an entity which are discussed further in a later section. In multiple version ranges, certain invalid horses can either appear completely invisible or have a solid white texture, neither of which are the missing model.
From 14w25a up to 19w38b, there existed a remarkable visual bug where missing models associated with blocks that used translucent rendering (such as ice, stained glass, stained glass panes and slime blocks) would interact anomalously with the rendering of transparent blocks in the world, as well as of entities, including the holder. Unlike normal missing models, translucent blocks and other entities would render in front of such a model when held, even if they were physically farther away from the camera. However, this only applies if the distant entity or transparent block in question is not first occluded by the player model. As a result, the held translucent block can form a player-shaped silhouette around the player model in front of a background made of entities (such as paintings) or translucent blocks.
If a sufficiently broken resource pack is loaded, the game will catch such resource packs and unload them automatically if errors were detected. From 17w43a up to the full release of 1.13, this also included the default resources, meaning that applying a flawed resource pack would result in all assets being unloaded, and as such the missing error assets appearing everywhere.
Certain game objects do not use textures in the standard way, instead layering them on top of each other. Horses use these for their pattern variants, and banners for each banner pattern. When there is no texture to pick from, these instead appear completely white. If the textures in question have already been loaded into the game, it is not possible to unload them even if all other textures are unloaded.
Tropical fish, despite also using composite textures to distinguish variants, do not turn white if a texture cannot be loaded, and instead use the usual checkerboard (which is tinted in certain cases).
The log tries to only report missing textures in case they might actually be used in the game. For example, it seems quite normal for mods and also for the vanilla game to contain orphaned records. If such an orphaned record requires a missing asset, it should be not reported.
This can happen in case not all required *.BSA files are not loaded for whatever reason. The log prints a list of every *.BSA file that is loaded. Check that none of the required *.BSA files are missing by comparing the log messages to the load order.
Generate object LOD textures and tree/grass LOD billboards with TexGen first to generate all required LOD billboards and object LOD textures for the load order. If the missing texture filename ends in *_trunk_[12].dds, make sure to check the Rendered checkbox in the TexGen Tree/Grass LOD Billboards options.
If it has been verified that a missing texture is not required, try to remove or update the unused record, entry or model so the non existing filename is not being referenced to clean up the mod or plugin from generating unnecessary log messages.
Once the whole purple textures/failing textures thing starts to happen, if I continue playing, the game WILL eventually CTD (crash to desktop for those of you that don't know what that means). This problem doesn't happen immediately when the game starts, it is completely random. It can be when I load into another area, decide to look at my inventory/smith items, it just happening slowly over time, etc.
I'd recommend disabling all of your mods, as well as Verifying your game files through Steam. Could just be some missing or corrupted textures. Although, if it's happening even after reinstalling Skyrim, it could be a bigger problem.
It doesn't just effect that, if you noticed, the shield and the iron armor on the table were also purple. Hell, I've had it effect an entire room before and have it be completely covered in weird purple textures.
The purple thing is a missing textures issue. If it's confined to particular clothing items like fine clothes and only with mods installed it's most likely something something in your load order having an issue. Are you running LOOT to optimise your load order? Also how are you installing mods, is it through Nexus Mod Manager, Mod Organizer, Steam Workshop or are you doing it manually?
If you're using NMM, Workshop or manually installing, it is possible some files are being overwritten or deleted that aren't supposed to be (or hypothetically there are blank textures somehow overwriting the default ones possibly maybe, I'm just speculating on that)
You always try to clean up or fix your blender project, so you press on the "Report missing texture", and get a list with a lot images path, but you don't know if you still have objects or materials this images. and when you need the images, you don't have power and time to find all the folders with your pictures - No more!
UPDATES:In the new version, I improve a lot the addon, the searching time is much faster now and work much more better, Also I added now the option to search for the missing textures in folders (and their subfolders)!fmt_new1063571 103 KB
With this add-on you can get a full report of all the missing textures in your blender file.Get info of all your missing textures and where to find them (in which objects, material and node you have a missing texture), and also get the name of the missing image textures and its path.
A new way to find your missing texture, with option to search in multi folders and sub folders with one click! Also get a full report for all the missing textures in your blender file like in which objects\ material and node you have the missing...
The last few days I have been working on this plugin, and now it is much faster, and in addition to that I have also fixed a bug that for some reason sometimes there are a lot of missing images even though they worked properly, so if you bought the plugin, you can download the latest version now.In addition to that, I continue to improve it, and I add an option to put in it the location of a folder (or several), and then he will look there for the missing textures, I believe it will be ready in the coming days.And if you have more ideas of how to improve it, just let me know!
Yes that is a nice idea. I was thinking about doing something like that.Im research and testing some code for my personal usage. I switch a lot between OSX and Windows, therefor each time i open the scene all the links or wrong. Ivve now code some code which automatically switches the paths. But i also wanted to extend it with a better find missing links. I ll be using the base from Amaranth. Thats about the same as this addon and is free.