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Consulting Club

Público·89 miembros

Askold Horns
Askold Horns

Foundation 01 Fzd Art Book 51 ##VERIFIED##

First half the book is all Feng Zhu's art, some of which you might have seen on his blog or FZD Youtube channel. Much of them are environment paintings and they have a very post-apocalyptic-Matrix-Terminator feel to it. There are also the fantasy type environments with mountains and beautiful townscapes. There are some creature designs, character designs and industrial sketches of vehicles.

foundation 01 fzd art book 51

If you want the book to be stock at other bookstores or countries, I think it's best to email them to let them know. Or ask Basheer Graphic Books to stock them, and hope that shipping will be somehow cheaper.

As part of war reparations, Harley-Davidson acquired the design of a small German motorcycle, the DKW RT 125, which they adapted, manufactured, and sold from 1948 to 1966.[45] Various models were made, including the Hummer from 1955 to 1959, but they are all colloquially referred to as "Hummers" at present.[46] BSA in the United Kingdom took the same design as the foundation of their BSA Bantam.[47]

Fantagraphics also published Daniel Clowes' "Ghost World," which formed the basis for the Academy Award-nominated 2001 movie of the same name. It produces a monthly magazine about the comics business, as well as 50 softcover books and 25 comic books a year by 50 artists nationwide, including three Seattle residents.

"This sounds stupid, but we've hit this wall where we have bills due and we don't have cash in the bank -- we have cash in the warehouse sitting in the form of books that we need to sell," said Groth, 48.

On the plus side, demand for their books has remained low but steady. And though the company does have competitors -- most notably, Drawn and Quarterly Books of Montreal, Top Shelf Productions Inc. of Marietta, Ga., and High Water Books of Brooklyn, N.Y. -- the business is not fiercely competitive.

Together with its partners, forumZFD jointly develops local capacities within civil society and supports their projects for nonviolent conflict transformation to work towards change in attitudes, behavior and structures. As forumZFD works partner focused, our role is to support local stakeholders in developing and implementing projects. Therefore, our approaches includes training, coaching, mentoring, development of manuals and hand books as well as complementation of projects and activities. We do not grant direct financial support to partners.

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